Often the best designers don't design for the present, but for the future. But, how can one know the future when it is uncertain and ever changing? One strategy is to look at the present with a magnifying lens, and analyze why certain trends exist and what they may lead to.
We can follow the breadcrumbs of the present to envision the future.
In the initial stages of this project, we were tasked with researching trends that were occurring in the current moment. During the research stages it was not only important to find significant trends, but also find ones that have the most potential to become larger forces that change the course of the world. It is then we can combine these trends into super-trends and begin to piece together what the future may hold.
Application of technology to create games and game-like experiences to captivate and retain user ship.
Physical and digital barriers to help protect valuable data and better understand data collection.
def. Markeplay
noun, /ˈmärkəplā/
The use of games or game mechanics to create digital experiences in physical retail spaces.
For this project we had to propose the super-trend we had come up with to an existing company. We had chosen to create a proposition to Google considering how well Markeplay fits with Google's current direction into the smart home market.
The current Google demographic has expressed sparked interest in seeking out heightened game experiences. Google’s brand persona is fun and playful. Paving the way for a Markeplay product will not alienate their current customer base. A gamified new retail experience can bring in a larger female demographic while also continuing to include the current one Google has established.
Quinn is a 27 year old freelance designer by day, bartender by night. Riley is 7 and a quarter, a drummer, science fair champion and cookie expert. Riley is excited to spend the day at Quinn’s, because Quinn likes games and always lets Riley eat as many Oreos as she wants. Quinn is excited to have Riley over because Riley is his niece, adorable and happens to love games almost as much as Quinn does. Since it will be Riley’s 8th birthday in a couple days, Quinn wants to get Riley some new sneakers, but also wants to make sure Riley picks the sneakers she wants and has fun while doing it. He is very serious about maintaining his role as the “FUNcle” of the family. Quinn tosses Riley a Stadia console. “How bout some Mario kart?”“Hell, yeah! Dibs on Yoshi!” The two take a trip down rainbow road, crashing into mystery boxes - but instead of scoring weapons, Riley begins to collect sneakers. Crash! Gold Nike AF1’s. Smash! Adidas ultra boosts. Riley laughs and throws a pillow at Quinn, “Nuh-uh! For me??” Quinn smiles, “Nothing but the best for my coolest niece on her 8th birthday.” The sneakers arrive at Riley’s door at 12:00 AM gift wrapped with a box of birthday cake Oreos… Score!
For this project I worked with Che Huang, Ayo Olagbemi, and Hadas Green, who are my program peers at OCAD University.
Project completed in December of 2019